How to register a document by an order?
Registering the remittance document happens when we want to register that document at the same time as registering "entry or exit" or vice versa. In this way, we register the row of the desired document and select the remittance option from the right side and select the second party of our document in the remittance recipient section. Be careful that the name of the recipient of the remittance must be saved in the system or registered at the same moment.
Among the most used cases in which the remittance document can be used, we can refer to the "cost" documents.
What is a minor return immediate sales document?
To register the return document, we must open the quick sale window and change the "Sale" option to "Return from sale" from the drop-down menu on the right side, and then enter the personal code of the item in question. The information of the desired product is shown to us according to the same information on which the sale was made, and with the "confirm" option, the name of the customer to whom the product was sold is also shown to us.
How to register the issuance of the document of a wage-based manufactured product?
To register the work, first select the section "Issue invoice" from the bottom menu, then select the third item, "Work-made" in the options and select the "Paid" option from the drop-down menu. Now you can enter both Riyal and percentage wages in the box in front of the salary, and then register the desired document by confirming the row and pressing the save key.
How to register a temporary document?
In fact, the provisional invoice is the proforma invoice that is made before the final approval and settlement by our account party. To register documents temporarily, instead of pressing the save button, press the temporary button and extract the document temporarily. To view temporary documents,just click on the "quick access" section on the main page of the program and activate the "temporary invoices" option. In this way, the list of your temporary documents can be seen in the lower left part of the program. It should be noted that the documents registered through quick sale (both sales documents and return documents) are registered in the system as temporary invoices by default.
How to view the cash balance?
To view the inventory of various items in the fund, just click on the "fund" button in the reports section.Then select the desired item in the list and view it by pressing the confirmation button." It should be noted that inventory viewing is only available for active users whose access level to view the fund has been activated for them from the system administrator.
How to register miscellaneous documents?
To register a miscellaneous document, we must first select the miscellaneous option in the invoice issuance section, then type the miscellaneous product category name (for example, miscellaneous 740 or miscellaneous 750) in the name field. It is important to note that the carat field must be completed in accordance with the miscellaneous name. In the weight section, we enter the weight on the scale andif we want to register the miscellaneous document with the conversion (buying and selling), in the price section, enter the desired miscellaneous final amount and confirm the "row". Ifthe field is not completed, only our document will be registered as entry or exit.
How to view the account balance in the software?
To view the account balance, just open the statement window and search for the desired person's name. At the bottom of the opened window, a box is displayed that shows the balance of the desired person's account by different units.
How to register the grade in the system after determining the conditional diluted grade?
It is enough to select the conditionally diluted option in the management menu and select the desired diluted from the conditional diluted list and by clicking on the option to determine the grade, register the specified grade for it.
How to view the deleted document?
All deleted or edited documents can be seen in the history section. Just click on the history option in the "Management" section and see the changes applied based on the desired parameter.
What is the difference between asset balance and total balance?
The asset balance includes all the items in the fund according to the current day's quotation, as well as all the balances of the accounts in the system. But in the complete balance, in addition to the items visible in the asset balance, there is a row as profit and loss, which can be seen at the moment of realized profit or loss up to the desired date.
What is the reason for the difference between the physical inventory and the system inventory?
One of the most important reasons that causes the discrepancy between the physical inventory and the inventory displayed in the system is wrong or incomplete registration of documents. which should be re-examined from the start date of the discrepancy to fix it.
How to prepare a sales report?
To prepare a sales report, you must click on the journal (shortcut key F9) in the reports menu and get the desired report by applying the relevant filters. To make it easier to do this, there are a number of pre-defined reports in the system by default that can be used.
How can you assign a photo to the product when defining it?
To assign a photo to the desired product, you must select the product definition time in the photo box on the left side or select a photo from the photos in the system and paste it, or use the webcam connected to the system at the same moment from that photo. Prepare and add to the desired item.
How to activate the scale in the software?
To connect the scale to the system, first establish the connection between the scale and the system through the relevant cable. Then, by contacting the Marquis support office, the desired settings are applied to the system, and after that, you can transfer the weight of the relevant item to the system by pressing the Insert key on the keyboard.
How to create access levels for users?
Option to create the access level of different users by the system administrator. In this way, in the management section and in the users section, select the desired user and by clicking on the access level option, assign the desired access level to each relevant user.
Is it possible to change the date of the remittance document?
Yes, this is possible according to the level of access assigned to each user. To do this, you need to change the date of the document in the left part of the invoice issuance.
How to edit documents?
To edit an invoice, you must right-click on the desired document in the newspaper or account statement and select the option to edit the invoice.
What should be done when a duplicate code error occurs when receiving an invoice file?
When encountering this error, you must identify the personal code that caused this error and check the history of that personal code in the search section of Marquis and ask the head office to change the relevant code.
Why is the program not opened?
Before running the program, make sure to connect the program lock to the system. Also, check the server to make sure that the server is connected and that the system is connected to the server.
What is the reason for not saving the backup?
The file route you have given to an app has no empty space. Check the system drives and empty its space so that the backup file may be saved in the system.
What is the required system for installation of the program.
The minimum system required to install the program is with the following specifications:
Cpu : core i3 6th gen
Ram: 8 gig
HDD : SSD 256gb
Windows: Windows 10 enterprise